Historical Grants Portugal


Patient Organisation Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded
AGENCIA PIAGET P DESENVOLVIMENTO Sponsorship to Harm Reduction International, Portugal, 28th april - 1st may 6150,00
AGENCIA PIAGET P DESENVOLVIMENTO Grant "GiruSetúbal"   10.900,00
AGENCIA PIAGET P DESENVOLVIMENTO Harm Reduction Congress, 30-Apr-2019 225,00
ASS ACREDITAR Project “frasco amor”, 14-02-19, Lisbon 420,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Community Meeting 2019, Lisbon, 4 Apr 2019 550,00 
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Virology Meeting Point, Figueira da Foz, 10 and 11 may 2019 190,82 
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Project "Home Support"  6.500,00 
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Grant to Harm Reduction International Conference  1.431,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS HIV and Your Body: Going the Full 360, 25–26 September 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 664,65
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Project "Quero Saber" 19.870,00 
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS  Project "Sobre Rodas" 27.467,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Grant to "ENAI" Congress 700,00
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Grant to the conference AIDS Impact 907,55 
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Grant to the  conference Fast Track Cities 1.500,00 
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Project "Elimination of Hepatitis C - Different perspectives, one view" 4000,00
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Community Meeting 2019, Lisbon, 4 Apr 2019 676,50 
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA HIV and Your Body: Going the Full 360, 25–26 September 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 664,65 
ARES PINHAL Grant to the Harm Reduction International Conference  1.155,00
ARES PINHAL Ares do Pinhal Activities 20.000,00
ARES PINHAL HIV and Your Body: Going the Full 360, 25–26 September 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 664,65 
ARES PINHAL SLTC Summit, Valência 459,6 
ARES PINHAL Virology Meeting Point, Figueira da Foz, 10 and 11 may 2019 954,1
ASS AP D LEUCEMIAS E LINFOMAS 24th ADL meeting 2.500,00
ASS CASORGANIZADOS EASL symposium video: patient story - 01/03/2019 - 01/03/2019 900,00
ASS CASORGANIZADOS Harm Reduction Congress, 30-Apr-2019 475,00
ASS CASORGANIZADOS Virology Meeting Point, Figueira da Foz, 10 and 11 may 2019 871,00
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES SOS National Congress Hepatitis, Lisbon, 23 Feb 2019 10.000,00
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES Virology Meeting Point, Figueira da Foz, 10 and 11 may 2019 190,82 
ASS PORT LEUCEMIAS E LINFOMAS Sponsorship "APLL Annual Meeting - Awareness Month on Malignant Blood Diseases" - 21 Sep 2019  1.000,00 
ASS PORT LEUCEMIAS E LINFOMAS Project "Notícias APLL"  3.000,00
ASS PORTUGUESA CONTRA LEUCEMIA Project "Casa Porto Seguro" 6.000,00 
ASS POSITIVO Community Meeting 2019, Lisbon, 4 Apr 2019 550,00
ASS POSITIVO HIV and Your Body: Going the Full 360, 25–26 September 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 664,65 
ASS SER + Project "Rapid Tests" 5650,00 
ASS SER + Fast Track Cascais/Oeiras on Prisions 96.600,00 
ASS SER + Community Meeting 2019, Lisbon, 4 Apr 2019 550,00
ASS SER + Fast Track Cities - Cascais, 23 Nov 2018 10.000,00
ASS SER + Grant "Rapid Tests-Cascais" 1.452,00
ASS SER + Project "Ser + Saúde"  2.500,00
ASS SER + Virology Meeting Point, Figueira da Foz, 10 and 11 may 2019 735,82 
ASS SERES CON(VIVER) COM VIH Project "More information less prejudice"  6.200,00
ASS SOL Community Meeting 2019, Lisbon, 4 Apr 2019 550,00
ASS SOL Grant "Vacation camp" 2.000,00
ASS SOL Campaign "Sol nas Escolas, vários distritos de Portugal, 4 Abr a 30 Dez 2019" 9.990,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Fast Track Cities Conference 1.500,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Community Meeting 2019, Lisbon, 4 Apr 2019 550,00 
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA 20th International Worshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drug  1.610,00 
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA HIV and Your Body: Going the Full 360, 25–26 September 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 681,91
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Project FPCCS Best Hospital Award  20.000,00 
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Virology Meeting Point, Figueira da Foz, 10 and 11 may 2019 572,46
FUNDACAO REALIZAR UM DESEJO Project "Make a Wish"  1.400,00
GAT Grant "Conferência Rede Lusófona"  2.000,00
GAT Grant "Semana Europeia do Teste do VIH e Hepatites 2019" 2000,00 
GAT  Campaign "SULsemC: Promotion of screening, link to healthcare and adherence to treatment for Hepatitis C and HIV infection among people who consume or have consumed" 35.700,00
GAT FOCUS Award 62.117,63 
GAT Grant "Checkpoint Lx" 10.000,00 
GAT Grant "Espaço Intendente"  3.000,00
GAT Grant - In Mouraria 5.000,00
GAT Grant "More Participation, Better Health" 5.000,00
GAT Grant "Move-se" 4.000,00
GAT Grant "Community Screening Network" 15.000,00
GAT HIV and Your Body: Going the Full 360, 25–26 September 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 794,65 
GAT Spring Journeys 2.700,00
GAT SLTC Summit, Valência 459,60
GAT Virology Meeting Point, Figueira da Foz, 10 and 11 may 2019 640,82 
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA Community Meeting 2019, Lisbon, 4 Apr 2019 550,00
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA Harm Reduction Congress, 30-Apr-2019 253,00
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA HIV and Your Body: Going the Full 360, 25–26 September 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 664,65 
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA Virology Meeting Point, Figueira da Foz, 10 and 11 may 2019 632,69 


Patient Organisation Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Fast track cities 20.000,00
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Community Meeting 17 April 492,00
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA "Forum on the impact of aging on people with HIV - 28th november 2017 - Lisbon" 369,00
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA HIV and Your Body - 20/06/2018-21/06/2018, Prague 825,66
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA WHO Course Getting to Zero 2.415,31
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA HIV Outcomes November Brussels 551,82
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Project "Autonomous Regions Community Screening Center" 20.000,00
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Virology Meeting Point, Peniche, 02- 03 mar 2018 61,68
AGENCIA PIAGET P DESENVOLVIMENTO Wilton Park meeting - 2/26/2018-2/28/2018, Steyning UK 678,44
ARES DO PINHAL Training and exchange of experiences on Hepatitis C 700,00
ARES DO PINHAL Awareness Initiative in the Municipality of Mação 9.040,00
ASS AP D LEUCEMIAS E LINFOMAS World Lymphoma Day, Porto, 15 September 3.500,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Community EASL 2018 - 12/04/2018-13/04/2018 - Paris 1.199,56
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Community Meeting 17 April 400,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS HIV and Your Body - 20/06/2018-21/06/2018, Prague 849,39
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Sponsorship ICAT - Community Intervention for adherence to therapy 10.000,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Project Fast Track Cities - launch in Amadora & Sintra 7.000,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Project "Track to prevent 2" 9.099,53
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Project "Track to prevent 3" 9.500,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Project under the Gilead Program "ComREDE" 32.748,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Virology Meeting Point, Peniche, 02- 03 mar 2018 153,93
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES 5th SOS National Congress Hepatitis "Fatty Liver, Cirrhosis and Liver Cancer: A Public Health Problem" 10.000,00
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES World Hepatitis Day 5.000,00
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES Sponsorship SOS Hepatitis, Coimbra, 26 Oct 4.000,00
ASS PORT LEUCEMIAS E LINFOMAS Month of awareness of the malignant diseases of the blood, Coimbra, September 29 5.000,00
ASS PORT LEUCEMIAS E LINFOMAS Publication of the journal "APLL News 3.000,00
ASS POSITIVO Community Meeting 17 April 400,00
ASS POSITIVO HIV and Your Body - 20/06/2018-21/06/2018, Prague 825,66
ASS POSITIVO POSITIVO Digital Platform 10.910,00
Row First Column Redlight project Row Third Column
ASS POSITIVO Redlight project 6.082,74
ASS SER + 2018 - Controling the HIV epidemic summit 1.106,32
ASS SER + 22nd International AIDS Conference 1.020,00
ASS SER + Community Meeting April 17 400,00
ASS SER + HIV and Your Body - 20/06/2018-21/06/2018, Prague 825,66
ASS SER + Patrocínio Fast Track Cities Cascais Ser + 17.689,20
ASS SER + Patrocinio SER+ Workshop 4 90 5.250,00
ASS SER + Projecto Diagnosticar Precocemente na Linha Cascais/Oeiras 10.726,00
ASS SER + Projeto "Diagnosticar Precocemente na Linha de Cascais/Oeiras" 9.600,00
ASS SER + Projeto "FTC Cascais" 3.400,00
ASS SER + Virology Meeting Point, Peniche, 02- 03 mar 2018 61,68
ASS SERES CON(VIVER) COM VIH Campaign "More Information Less Prejudice" 6.200,00
ASS SERES CON(VIVER) COM VIH SHE Entrepares Training Program 11.000,00
ASS SERES CON(VIVER) COM VIH SERES Website and Facebook 3.000,00
BUE FIXE - ASSOCIACAO DE JOVENS Project under the Gilead Genesis Program - "WITH CONSCIOUSNESS" 5.252,00
‭FUNDACAO DO GIL‬ Tickets for "Fundação do Gil" event 430,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA 22nd International AIDS Conference 920,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA 7th National Ethical-Legal Conferences on HIV and AIDS 7.000,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Community Meeting 17 April 400,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA HIV and Your Body - 20/06/2018-21/06/2018, Prague 861,03
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA HIV Outcomes November Brussels 1.383,63
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Project "PNEP Training Volunteers" 3.600,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Community Screening in the City of Setúbal 15.000,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Community Screening in the City of Porto 11.525,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Virology Meeting Point, Peniche, 02- 03 mar 2018 350,19
GAT Community Meeting 17 de Abril 400,00
GAT HIV and Your Body - 20/06/2018-21/06/2018, Prague 825,66
GAT Fast Track Cities Initiative, Lisbon 28.000,00
GAT Project ""In Mouraria" 10.400,00
GAT Project "Move-se" 15.000,00
GAT Project "Checkpoint Lx" 13.000,00
GAT Project "Espaço Intendente" 5.000,00
GAT Project "In Mouraria" 7.500,00
GAT Project "More training, better health, Capacitar + Program" 4.999,82
GAT Project "Move-se" 3.383,74
GAT Project "European Test Week" 10.670,00
GAT Community Screening Network 15.000,00
GAT European Week of HIV and Hepatitis 2017 Test November 17-24, 2017 15.000,00
GAT Virology Meeting Point, Peniche, 02- 03 mar 2018-FEES 400,00
GAT Virology Meeting Point, Peniche, 02- 03 mar 2018- Hospitality 1.532,05
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA 22nd International AIDS Conference 920,00
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA Community EASL 2018 - 12/04/2018-13/04/2018 - Paris 1.198,57
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA Community Meeting 17 April 400,00
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA HIV and Your Body - 20/06/2018-21/06/2018, Prague 825,66
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA Project under the Gilead Genesis Program - "Interconnect" 32.000,00
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA Screening mobile unit “Sáúde + Perto” 17.588,25
MAPS Project under the Gilead Genesis Program "Testa-te!" 35.000,00


Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded (EUR€)
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Project support "Community Center HSH + ABRAÇO" 15.000,00
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Project support "Madeira island quick tests" 8.000,00
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV-SIDA EACS Community Feedback Meeting 102,68
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA HIV & Your Body, 15 - 16 Jun, Amsterdam 638,16
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA MSM Campaign SC Meeting - 16/03/2017 - London - UK - Expenses 640,92
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA MSM Campaign SC Meeting - 16/03/2017 - London - UK - Honoraria 900,00
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Viral Hepatitis, 11 - 12 May 2017, Prague 543,52
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Virology Meeting Point, Óbidos, 10 - 11 March 430,50
AGENCIA PIAGET P DESENVOLVIMENTO Project in Gilead GÉNESE Fellowship program "ADERE+ -Promotion of Adherence to Therapeutics for HCV in the context of proximity to drug users" 16.237,00
AGENCIA PIAGET P DESENVOLVIMENTO Viral Hepatitis, 11 - 12 May 2017, Prague 1.069,92
ASS AP D LEUCEMIAS E LINFOMAS Oncology Advocacy - 10th Winter meeting, 29Mar, Porto,Auditorium CIM Faculdade Medicina Univ. Porto 2.500,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Community Advisory Board HIV - 6th September 2016 - Lisbon 500,00
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS HIV & Your Body, 15 - 16 Jun, Amsterdam 925,22
ASS COMUN SOCIAL SAUDE - AJPAS Virology Meeting Point, Óbidos, 10 - 11 March 2017 171,59
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES 4th SOS Hepatites National Congess "Less Alcool Better Liver", 4 Feb 2017, Lisbon 10.000,00
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES ELPA University Module 4, Sarajevo , 12 - 15 March 422,02
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES Hepatits World Day, 28th July 8.000,00
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES Viral Hepatitis, 11 - 12 May 2017, Prague 1.000,08
ASS PLANEAM FAMILIA - LISBOA Project in Gilead GÉNESE Fellowship program - "100 RISKS" 21.330,00
ASS PORT LEUCEMIAS E LINFOMAS Project support "APLL Newsletter" 2.400,00
ASS POSITIVO Project support "POSITIVO Screening Office" 10.000,00
ASS SER + Support for "Anti-Discrimination Center" 15.000,00
ASS SER + HIV & Your Body, 15 - 16 Jun, Amsterdam 753,58
ASS SER + Grant - Support to mobile unit SER+ 13.870,00
ASS SER + Virology Meeting Point, Óbidos, 10 - 11 March 2017 171,59
ASS SERES CON(VIVER) COM VIH Support for "Website and Facebook of SERES" 3.000,00
ASS SERES CON(VIVER) COM VIH Support for "Website and Facebook of SERES" 3.000,00
ASS SERES CON(VIVER) COM VIH Support to training program among peers 11.000,00
ASS SERES CON(VIVER) COM VIH HIV & Your Body, 15 - 16 Jun, Amsterdam 703,58
ASS SERES CON(VIVER) COM VIH Viral Hepatitis, 11 - 12 May 2017, Prague 924,29
ASSOCIACAO CASORGANIZADOS SLTC Summit - 16/05/2017 - 16/05/2017 - Berlin - Germany 1.805,73
ASSOCIACAO CASORGANIZADOS Viral Hepatitis, 11 - 12 May 2017, Prague 1.232,71
ASSOCIACAO CASORGANIZADOS Virology Meeting Point, Óbidos, 10 - 11 March 2017 592,88
AVENTURA SOCIAL - ASSOCIACAO Project in Gilead GÉNESE Fellowship program - Study "Life without AIDs in Portugal" 20.000,00
CRESCER NA MAIOR Virology Meeting Point, Óbidos, 10 - 11 March 2017 286,60
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Support for project "Training Plan 2017" 4.000,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Community Advisory Board HIV - 6th Sep 2016 - Lisbon 500,00
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA HIV & Your Body, 15 - 16 Jun, Amsterdam 863,93
FUNDACAO PORT COMUN CONTRA SIDA Virology Meeting Point, Óbidos, 10 11 March 2017 328,41
GAT Checkpoin 15.000,00
GAT Project support "INTendente Space" 10.000,00
GAT Project support "More participation better health: empower program +" 7.500,00
GAT Screening network 2017 20.000,00
GAT Hepatitis C in drug users - from screening to linkage to care" "- July 19, 2017 - Porto 247,50
GAT Aquisition of tickets for Gilead Employees to attend the solidarity essay at CCB 600,00
GAT Community Advisory Board HIV - 6 Sep 2016 - Lisbon 500,00
GAT HIV & Your Body, 15 - 16 Jun, Amsterdam 955,22
GAT MDT Ad Board - HIV IS: Going Beyond Undetectable - 28/11/2016 - 29/11/2016 - London - UK 1.561,53
GAT Test European Week 10.000,00
GAT Virology Meeting Point, Óbidos, 10 - 11 March 2017 581,81
GAT Virology Meeting Point, Óbidos, 10 - 11 march 2017 (honoraria) 350,00
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA Community Advisory Board HIV - 6th September 2016 - Lisbon 500,00
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA HIV & Your Body, 15 - 16 Jun, Amsterdam 975,22
LIGA PORTUGUESA CONTRA SIDA Check-up Initiative , Lisbon and Porto, 4 - 6 November 5.000,00


Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded (EUR€)
ABRACO-AS APOIO PESSOAS HIV/SIDA Sponsorship of Summer Prevention Campaign 2016, Lisbon and ePorto, 20th to 31st July 2.500,00
ASS AP D LEUCEMIAS E LINFOMAS ADL, 9th Summer Meeting, Porto, 29th June 2.500,00
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES World Hepatitis Day & 3rd National Congress 4.140,00
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES Stories of hope, life stories: Book on happy stories of Hepatitis C in Portugal 3.603,90
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES Hepatitis World Day, Costa da Caparica, 28th July 3.000,00
ASS GRUPO APOIO SOS HEPATITES SOS Hepatites Workshop, Lisbon, 24th may 1.500,00
ASS PORT LEUCEMIAS E LINFOMAS Sponsorship of the Newsletter- Associação Portuguesa Leucemias e Linfomas 2016 2.400,00
ASS SER + Diagnosis of HIV Infections and Viral Hepatitis Workshop, Cascais, 12-04-2016 6.000,00
ASS SERES COM VIVER COM VIH SERES National Meeting, April 2016 3.000,00
ASS PORT CONTRA A LEUCEMIA (APCL) APCL Solidarity race , 26 June 625,00
ASS PORT CONTRA A LEUCEMIA (APCL) APCL Fund raising campaign "Sign Against Leukemia" 9.300,00
FUNDAÇÃO PORT A COMUNIDADE CONTRA A SIDA Project under the Fellowship Program Gilead GÉNESE "In.Porto.Me 2 - Screening and Quality of Life promotion in Senior HIV + individuals in the area of Coimbra" 39.140,00
FUNDAÇÃO PORT A COMUNIDADE CONTRA A SIDA Support for the 6th National Ethical-Legal Conferences for HIV / AIDS 4.000,00
GAT Forum "More participation, better health", 18th Oct, Lisbon 5.000,00
GAT Community Screening Network Conference, Lisbon, 1st rea 5.000,00
GAT Checkpoint Lx 20.000,00
GAT GAT Publication, Action & Treatments magazine 2016, Aug to a Dec 10.000,00
GAT European Testing Week 10.000,00
LIGA PORT CONTRA A SIDA (LPCS) Check-up Initiative, Lisbon and Porto, 4th to 6th nov 5.000,00
LIGA PORT CONTRA A SIDA (LPCS) Screening Mobile Unit "Saúde + Perto" 8.998,59
POSITIVO -GRUPO DE APOIO E AUTO-AJUDA Project under the Fellowship Program Gilead GÉNESE "C-Vihd@: Prevention and Counseling on HIV, Viral hepatitis and other STDs" 36.540,00


Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded (EUR€)
AJPAS - Associação de Intervenção Comunitária, Desenvolvimento Social e de Saúde Project under the Fellowship Program Gilead GÉNESE "Evaluating the benefits of the ICAT Program - Community Intervention for Adherence to HIV Treatment" 30.000,00
AJPAS - Associação de Intervenção Comunitária, Desenvolvimento Social e de Saúde Training of Community Mediators - AJPAS 5.000,00
Associação Abraço- Associação de Apoio a Pessoas com VIH/SIDA 1st Meeting of Associations working in the field of HIV/AIDS, Funchal, 5 e 6.11.2015 2.500,00
Associação Abraço- Associação de Apoio a Pessoas com VIH/SIDA Volunteer Action 6.150,00
Associação de apoio a doentes com Leucemias e Linfomas 7th Summer Meeting - "Oncofertility: fertility in leukemia and lymphoma", Porto, 25.06.2015" 2.500,00
Associação Existências Project under the Fellowship Program Gilead GÉNESE "Accueil Project" 12.930,00
Associação Grupo Apoio SOS Hepatites Stories of hope, life stories: Book on happy stories of Hepatitis C in Portugal 10.990,05
Associação Grupo Apoio SOS Hepatites World Day of Hepatitis & III National Congress 33.000,00
Associação Portuguesa contra a Leucemia APCL brochure in English, July 2015 2.069,31
Associação Portuguesa contra a Leucemia Race for Life 750,00
Associação Portuguesa contra a Leucemia Sponsorship of Portuguese Association against Leukaemia 2015- Action in Atrium - marrow donation 5.590,00
Associação Portuguesa contra a Leucemia RTP Program 500,00
Associação Portuguesa de Fibrose Quística Project under the Fellowship Program Gilead GÉNESE "Physiotherapy and physical exercise programs at home for patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)" 19.100,00
Associação Portuguesa Leucemias e Linfomas Newsletter- Portuguese Association Leukemias and Lymphomas 2015 2.400,00
Associação Seres Com Viver com VIH Sponsorship of the Campaign "could be me" 8.298,00
Fundação Portuguesa A Comunidade Contra a Sida VI peer education Days: New Issues, New Challenges, Porto, 20.05.2015 2.460,00
Fundação Portuguesa A Comunidade Contra a Sida Training course for medical students - 1 -30 November, 2015 - Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra 3.000,00
Fundação Portuguesa A Comunidade Contra a Sida 5ªs National Ethical Legal Conferences of Infection HIV/AIDS - HIV/AIDS: the education, the economy and the law, December 1, 2015, Porto 5.000,00
Fundação Portuguesa A Comunidade Contra a Sida 4ªs National Conference Ethical-Legal of HIV/AIDS: New Problems of HIV and AIDS, December 11, 2014, Coimbra 4.000,00
Fundação Portuguesa A Comunidade Contra a Sida Sponsored newspaper article on the "Portuguese Foundation The Community Against AIDS" activities 1.845,00
Fundação Portuguesa A Comunidade Contra a Sida Project under the Fellowship Program Gilead GÉNESE "In.Porto.Me - Screening and Promoting the Quality of Life of Senior HIV infected individuals from Oporto area" 20.000,00
GAT - Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA - Pedro Santos Project Check Point Lisbon: Anonymous, confidential and free service for rapid HIV testing, targeting men who have sex with men 30.000,00
GAT - Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA - Pedro Santos Prevention, Screening and Literacy Week on Viral Hepatitis (27th - 31st July) under the scope of World viral hepatitis Day, 28th July 10.000,00
Positivo - Grupos de Apoio e Auto-ajuda Project under the Fellowship Program Gilead GÉNESE "ConVihda - Project to evaluate and promote QoL in patients Living with HIV" 27.932,00


Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded (EUR €)
GAT-Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de HIV/SIDA-Pedro Santos Project Check Point Lisbon: Anonymous, confidential and free service for rapid HIV screening, aimed to target men who have sex with men 15.000,00
GAT-Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de HIV/SIDA-Pedro Santos Training session covering HIV treatment area 3.000,00
GAT-Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de HIV/SIDA-Pedro Santos Seminar on Drugs & Health, 1st April 2014 , Lisbon 2.000,00
AJPAS - Associação de Intervenção Comunitária Desenvolvimento Social e Saúde Funding to support 25 children and teenagers from poor families 2.000,00
AJPAS - Associação de Intervenção Comunitária Desenvolvimento Social e Saúde Event "Challenges to the access and compliance to anti-retroviral therapy" 1.000,00
Associação Abraço- Associação de Apoio a Pessoas com VIH/SIDA Activity to the "World day of the fight against AIDS- 1st December 2014 6.800,00
Fundação Portuguesa A Comunidade Contra a Sida Prevention of HIV Infection Campaign 209,01
Fundação Portuguesa A Comunidade Contra a Sida Seminar on HIV/AIDs, 2th April 2014, Porto 1.500,00
Fundação Portuguesa A Comunidade Contra a Sida Educational leaflet "HIV/AIDs Educate Prevent Learn" 280,00
Associação Grupo de Apoio SOS Hepatites SOS Hepatites National Congress , 29th November 2014 , Lisbon 10.000,00
Associação Grupo de Apoio SOS Hepatites Awareness and warning campaign to Hepatitis Desease 2014 12.389,79
Associação Grupo de Apoio SOS Hepatites Hepatitis World day - 28th July 2014 6.275,00
Associação Grupo de Apoio SOS Hepatites Workshop "The civil society and liver deseases"- SOS Hepatites 19th May 2014 5.000,00
Associação Portuguesa de Fibrose Quística European Day of Cystic Fibrosis 1.000,00
AJPAS - Associação de Intervenção Comunitária Desenvolvimento Social e Saúde Gilead Génese Fellowship Program Grant "RASTA - Screening and access to healthcare to all African women" 10.000,00
SER+ Associação Portuguesa para a Prevenção e Desafio à SIDA Gilead Génese Fellowship Program Grant "AMPARAR- Educational and supportive program provided by HIV or HCV infected people to peers" 9.000,00
POSITIVO - Grupo de Apoio e Auto-ajuda Gilead Génese Fellowship Program Grant "TAR+ Project to promote the compliance to anti retroviral therapeutic and retention in healthcare" 18.000,00
GAT-Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de HIV/SIDA-Pedro Santos Gilead Génese Fellowship Program Grant "HCV information and screening, liaison and reliaison to healthcare for ex-drug users 15.000,00
Associação Portuguesa de Fibrose Quística Gilead Génese Fellowship Program Grant "Homecare physiotherapy program for cystic fibrosis patients" 18.000,00