Historical Grants Poland & The Baltics

2019 Poland

Patient Organisation Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded PLN
SPOŁECZNY KOMITET DS. AIDS Grant for project: "The MSM community is testing" - HIV awareness and education for MSM community. 20000
ALIVIA - FUNDACJA ONKOLOGICZNA OSÓB MŁODYCH Grant for support project "Kolejkoskop.pl" 20000
SPOŁECZNY KOMITET DS. AIDS Grant to support activities during European HIV Testing Week in November 2019 and Warsaw's Testing Days in December 2019 20000
FUNDACJA POMORSKI DOM NADZIEI Grant for project: Study of anti-HCV antibodies in a group of people with risky sexual behavior with special consideration of people with invasive medical procedures. 25000
POLSKIE TOWARZYSTWO HEPATOLOGICZNE Grant for project: Scholarship Program of Polish Assoctiation for study of Liver: conference scholarships for 2 doctors and monthly trainees for 3 doctors 50000

2019 Baltics

Patient Organisation Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded EUR €
PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS SUPPORT GROUP (AGIHAS) HIV. Dangerous – lack of knowledge, not disease itself – disease awareness campaign 2019. 4300
NGO ESTONIAN NETWORK OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV Grant for project: Checkpoint TECS: a secure place to integrate available services (testing, education, counseling, and support). 7625

2018 Poland

Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded PLN
ALIVIA - FUNDACJA ONKOLOGICZNA OSÓB MŁODYCH Grant for project: Kolejkoskop (3 months support). 21000
FUNDACJA „GWIAZDA NADZIEI” Grant for project: "Insidious Hepatitis" - knowledge workshops for students which will be organized from 10.10.2018 until 6.2019 in high schools. 30000
SPOŁECZNY KOMITET DS. AIDS Grant for: "Holidays with the Little Prince" - rehabilitation and educational stay for children and adolescents living with HIV / AIDS. 20000
STOWARZYSZENIE PODWALE SIEDEM Grant for project: Preventive and educational campaign "Live safer - or how to minimize the risk of HIV infection". 20000
STOWARZYSZENIE WOLONTARIUSZY WOBEC AIDS "BĄDŹ Z NAMI" Grant for project: "They are us"- HIV education and awareness campaign for infected people and their families. 20000

2018 Baltics

Patient Organisation Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded €
PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS SUPPORT GROUP (AGIHAS) Grant for Project: "25 years of Activism raise an Adherence", event will take place between 14-15.09.2018 in Riga. 2500

2017 Poland

Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded PLN
Zjednoczenie na Rzecz Żyjących z HIV/AIDS "Pozytywni w Tęczy" Preventive action encourages conscious HIV testing and taking ARV treatment in patients treated with MSM. 12,000.00
Zjednoczenie na Rzecz Żyjących z HIV/AIDS "Pozytywni w Tęczy" Grant for Project: City teaches. This Project is led by foundation "Positive in rainbow" - Positively Open. 20,000.00
Stowarzyszenie Wolontariuszy Wobec AIDS "Bądź z Nami" Positive female world - seminars 20,000.00
"Między Uszami" Krakowska Fundacja Rozwoju Edukacji Niesłyszących im. Marka Mazurka Grant for project: "AIDS and pregnancy -a simple guide in Polish Sign Language" - Positively Open 20,000.00

2017 Baltics

Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded €
People Living With HIV/AIDS Support Group (AGIHAS) Support to organize conference "Coalition for Change" and video clip "I know my HIV status" 4,180.00
Estonian Network of People with living HIV Grant for Estonian Network to conduct tests in Estonia. Project "Test & Link to Care Services" 5,348.00

2016 Poland

Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded PLN
Stowarzyszenie Ogólnopolska Sieć Osób Żyjących z HIV/AIDS "SIEĆ PLUS” Cycle of workshops Salon “Fell Life” 27.02.2016-17.12.2016 16,977.00
Stowarzyszenie Wolontariuszy Wobec AIDS "Bądź z Nami” Building competence of the health of people with HIV “Time for Health – looking into the future” 20,000.00
Zjednoczenie na Rzecz Żyjących z HIV/AIDS "Pozytywni w Tęczy” Education actions during 3 popular music Festival. Project named “Music vs. HIV" 20,000.00
Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Osób Wykluczonych i Zagrożonych Wykluczniem Społecznym "Pozytywni Lublin” International and educational stand for association “Positive Lublin” during the event city “Autumn of prevention” on 18/11/2016 500

2016 Baltics

Grant Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded €
Estonian Network of People with living HIV Test & Link to Care Services 8131
Agihas Society People living with HIV/AIDS support group AGIHAS Members' participation at the "Posithivagruppen Sweden" educational camp 1600

2015 Poland

Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded PLN
Stowarzyszenie Ogólnopolska Sieć Osób Żyjących z HIV/AIDS "SIEĆ PLUS" Cycle of workshops for HIV positive persons. 10,364.00
People Living With HIV/AIDS Support Group (AGIHAS) Organization of the Semminar for people living with HIV/AIDS 3,440.00
ALIVIA-Fundacja Onkologiczna Osób Młodych Educational Platform 20,000.00

2014 Poland

Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded (EUR €)
"SIEĆ PLUS" (Association) Patient education campaign 2552
Fundacja "Gwiazda Nadziei" (Foundation) Medical education (conference for general practitioners) 4762
Fundacja "Gwiazda Nadziei" (Foundation) Patient education campaign 1667
Społeczny Komitet ds. AIDS (committee) Patient education campaign 4762
Estonian Society of lnfectious Diseases (Society) Support existing database of patients 12284
Fundacja Edukacji Społecznej (Foundation) HIV Testing 5952
Zjednoczenie na Rzecz Żyjących z HIV/AIDS "Pozytywni w Tęczy" (Association) HIV Testing 3571
Fundacji Rozwoju Nauki w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Zakaźnym (Foundation) Medical education (participation in international conferences) 19048
Fundacja Edukacji Społecznej (Foundation) HIV Testing 2381
Fundacja Edukacji Społecznej (Foundation) Identify the needs of women living with HIV 7143
Polskie Towarzystwo Hepatologiczne (Society) Scholarship programme 11905
Między Uszami Krakowska Fundacja Rozwoju Edukacji Niesłyszących im. Marka Mazurka (Foundation) HIV education program for deaf and hearing impaired persons 4762
Polskie Towarzystwo Oświaty Zdrowotnej Oddział Terenowy w Gdańsku (Society) Educational campaign on HIV prevention among young people 4643
Społeczny Komitet ds. AIDS (Committee) HIV Testing 2381
Miasto Słupsk (Municipal office) HIV education program for people with disabilities 3621
"SIEĆ PLUS" (Association) Educational program for people over the age of 50 living with HIV 4674
Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Niesłyszącym "MIG-iem" (Association) HIV education program for deaf and hearing impaired persons 4735
Regionalny Ośrodek Metodyczno - Edukacyjny Metis w Katowicach (Regional center) Education campaign for HIV infected patient 4214
"Słyszę Serce" (Association) Educational campaign on HIV prevention for sex workers 2321
"Podwale Siedem" (Association) Education campaign for HIV infected patient 4762
Stowarzyszenie Program Stacja (Association) Educational campaign on HIV prevention for sex workers 4762
"Jeden Świat" (Association) Anti-discrimination program 4726
Towarzystwo Rozwoju Rodziny oddział w Zielonej Górze (Society) Educational campaign 4762