Historical Patient Organization Spend Czech Republic and Slovakia   

Czech 2019

Patient Organisation Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded CZK
Prague Pride z.s. "Fun and Run 2019" Charity run against homofobia and AIDS 125000.00
Queer Geography z.s. 5th Europea Geographies of Sexualities Conference in Prague (donation) 150000.00
Česká společnost AIDS pomoc, z.s. Terrain testing for HIV and STD in ambulance with focus on high risk people; PIST modification - HCV testing 518000.00
Česká společnost AIDS pomoc, z.s. SLTC - HCV microelimination in Usti nad Labem region 250000.00
Česká společnost AIDS pomoc, z.s. Support of HIV/HCV testing and reconstruction of testing area, staff education - 1st instalment 370000.00
Česká společnost AIDS pomoc, z.s. Support of HCV testing - purchase of HCV tests for Dům svetla and other check points 460000.00

Czech 2018

Patient Organisation Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded CZK
Česká společnost AIDS pomoc (Czech society AIDS help) Testing HCV building checkpoints + refurbishment of consultation room + PIST system modification 427.000
Česká společnost AIDS pomoc (Czech society AIDS help) Terrain testing + HIV quick tests and maintenance of the 2 ambulance vehicles 400.000
Prague Pride Charity run to support Gay community 100.000

Slovakia 2018

Patient Organisation Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded €
DOM SVETLA SLOVENSKO o.z. HIV testing at checkpoints in Bratislava, terrain testing 17.000

Czech 2017

Recipient Description of Activity Amount Funded CZK
Česká společnost AIDS pomoc (Czech society AIDS help) Mobile HIV testing, HIV quick tests and purchase of the second ambulance vehicle 976.000
Prague Pride Charity run to support Gay community  150.000